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The Surge in Home Sales. What’s Next?
So COVID happened and is still happening; and while the real estate market did take a hit in March and April, it came back like gangbusters in subsequent months. According to the Canadian Real...
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Is Your Mortgage Deferral Coming to an End? Here’s What You Can Do…
Many of Canada’s lenders and mortgage insurers stepped up to the plate at the height of the pandemic by offering homeowners the option to defer their mortgage payments by up to six months....
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Rates are low, so should we switch?
Rates have taken a serious nose-dive since the Covid-19 pandemic crippled much of the economy. The banks are doing their best to stimulate home purchasing with dropping the fixed rates to 1.89% in...
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Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) is in the news again
Evan Siddall, CEO of CMHC, recently released a letter to CMHC-approved Lenders that said, in part, "There is a dark economic underbelly to this business that I want to expose”. He may be...
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